
Silence is Deafening not Golden

I knew the day would come when I would be all alone in the house. I just can't believe it has already happened. The kids started preschool 2 days a week on Tuesday and I honestly don't know what to do with myself! Scary I know. I find myself wondering around with nothing to do. Okay I really have plenty to do...just not the motivation to do it. The silence in here is almost too much. I guess after 2 solid years with very little time away from the kids your ears get accustomed to always hearing someone talking, crying, screaming or laughing, but for now all I hear is Gretta snoring. Didn't even know until today the dog snored. Pretty sad! Well I have promised myself to attempt to get something done today so the computer is going off and I am going to do something. That being said I may stare at the walls, but it's something :)

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